Find My Body Type and How to Set Up FX BOOM Fitness System
As soon as your hear the click of your buckle, your FX BOOM Fitness Belt and Straps™ will begin to do what it was designed to do-- improve posture, promote proper muscle activation, help alleviate pain and increase your overall preformance. The FX BOOM Fitness System™ creates a neurological warm up that allows the body to function as a unit while strengthening weaknesses. It enhances performance by identifying key positions to loosen areas of tension and over-dominance, while reaching quick and profound results. You can "feel" the difference instantly!

FX BOOM System Set Up Instructions For Use
There are two ways to wear your FX BOOM Fitness System™ depending on our body type. To find out your body type please take the quiz to determine if you are Flexion (Red Team) or Extension (Blue Team).
To get the most out of your FX BOOM Fitness System it is important to determine where the blocks on the belt will be positioned along with the Straps and hook.
​Please refer to Assumption of Risks Waiver before using this FX BOOM Fitness System™.
Flexion (Red Team) individuals tend to have posterior chain (back side of the body) weakness and wear the blocks on the back hipbones so nothing touches the low back within 2-3 inches of the spine. The FX BOOM Fitness Belt attaches in the front by clipping together the heavy duty cobra buckle. Once buckled, pull the elastic piece of material to hold it in place. The FX BOOM Fitness Straps™ go around the shoulders so that the tail is to the back of the body. The tail has a carabiner that attaches to the flexion ring that is put around the backside of the belt between the pads (This must be done before blocks are put on). The flexion ring is similar to that of an ankle strap. Once the FX BOOM Fitness Straps™ are attached to the FX BOOM Fitness Belt, another carabiner will attach the tail to a sheathed band for resistance to be added perpendicular to the body's position. This carabiner should be able to slide up and down the tail between the FX BOOM Fitness Belt and Straps™.
Extension (Blue Team) individuals tend to have anterior chain (front side of the body) weakness and wear the blocks on the front hipbones so nothing touches the abs within 2-3 inches of the belly button. The X BOOM Fitness Belt attaches in the front by clipping together the heavy duty cobra buckle. Once buckled, pull the elastic piece of material to hold it in place. The FX BOOM Fitness Straps™ go around the shoulders with the colored connector behind the neck, and be sure to adjust it down by the shoulder blades. The tail will then hang toward the front of the body. The tail has a carabiner that attaches to the built in rings on the FX BOOM Fitness Belt by the cobra buckle. Once the FX BOOM Fitness Straps™ are attached to the FX BOOM Fitness Belt, another carabiner will attach the tail to a sheathed band for resistance to be added perpendicular to the body's position. This carabiner should be able to slide up and down the tail between the FX BOOM Fitness Belt and Straps™.